About Me

Hi!  I am Jennifer Woodside, the CEO of The Disability Training Alliance, an alliance of diversity professionals and subject matter experts who train corporations about the importance of disability awareness to improve the employment outcomes for people living with disability.  I have been a subject matter expert for almost 40 years.  I research best practices; nothing delights me more.

I am a Cornell University Certified ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Consultant.  Connect with me here, at www.linkedin.com/pub/jennifer-woodside/12/303/497,  and Twitter @ jlwoodside.  🙂

For people with disabilities, I am the advocate who encourages social justice and equality of opportunities.  I know first-hand the issues regarding disability as I was born with cerebral palsy in 1971 due to premature birth. I have both education and experience with positively assisting at-risk populations. My understanding of interpersonal and intercultural communication makes a qualitative difference in corporate policy and in the collaborative teams with which I am engaged.  I understand that “disability” functions as a distinct and relevant culture. I utilize evidence-based practice, ethical decision-making, and leadership with integrity.  I read, analyze, and summarize technical, governmental, statistical, and scholarly information.  For this diverse population, the largest minority group in the world, I endeavor to effect change.

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